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Can an SEO Agency Guarantee Results?

What to Look For in A Good SEO Company

A common question that we get asked revolves around what we can guarantee. And we completely understand this question. You want to be sure that your money is well-spent.

But the truth is that this is a loaded question. The reality is that SEO results will depend on a great number of factors. But we believe that the answer really depends on what you define as results.

Let’s break down some examples:

Example 1:

An agency guarantees that you will be number one in Google search results.

We would be leery to invest our time or money with a company that claims to guarantee you the number one spot. Now, if they’ve done some keyword research, then they may be able to confidently say that they can achieve the highest ranking for a particular keyword. 

But blanket guarantees should be avoided.

Most keyword research tools rank keywords on some sort of difficulty scale. Anyone who’s used one of these tools will tell you that some keywords are incredibly easy to rank for. Others are incredibly difficult, unless your working with a site with a high authority.

Another reason this kind of guarantee can be misleading is because positions are always changing. Search engines change their algorithms. They’re also regularly crawling and looking to serve up the best results for their searchers.

And don’t forget that there are likely others in your niche who are competing for the same or similar keywords. When you do reach a number one position, it’s not likely you will hold it forever. At least not without regularly staying up to date and analyzing your competitors.

We have had many clients reach the first position in Google for a variety of keywords and hold it for quite some time. But inevitably, some other company comes along and overtakes the position (at which point, we update content and develop strategies to regain the position).

Example 2:

An agency guarantees that you will get more leads.

This one is a little better. It is almost impossible to guarantee anything. But with some solid keyword research and on-page optimization, your company certainly should get more leads.

But the SEO agency has to be diligent with their keyword research. For example, did they select a keyword with an appropriate search volume? Did they select a relevant keyword that is long-tail and specific to your target demographic and geographic location?

Did the agency consider the average cost-per-click to help determine whether the keyword has any value? Did they consider the difficulty level of the keyword and explore alternatives? Did they ensure that the search intent matches the content on the page? And are they working on your Google Business Profile and posting regularly?

These are all important factors to consider. If any of these factors are overlooked, it could mean poor performance. And poor search performance will not increase your likelihood of getting more leads.

On the other hand, if all of these factors were considered and done well, you shouldn’t have too much trouble landing a spot in Google’s top 5.

But here’s the real issue: once a client is on your page, it’s up to the content on the page to convince them to submit a lead form or make a phone call.

You should ask yourself the following:

  • Is my content authoritative, trustworthy, and convincing?
  • Does my site structure appropriately lead visitors through the sales funnel?

Example 3:

An agency guarantees communication & commitment over results

These are the only types of guarantees we like. A company should be committed to you and your company.

Now, results can absolutely be measured. And you’ll want to see a return on your investment. So you absolutel should see results. But how will you know you're getting results? By great reporting and communication.

We actually think it's great if a company promises to get results. But here’s the big question: what do they mean by results?

A solid agency will be able to answer these questions. I can use our own practices as what we believe to be a good example:

  • We believe that results mean that each month, we will work to bring an increase in traffic to your site.
  • We believe that results mean that we will work closely with you to align search intent and page content with our business goals.
  • We believe that results mean that we will monitor how visitors interact with your pages to determine the best routes to generate leads.
  • We believe that results mean that you will see regular climbs in search results, acquire new back links on a regular basis and technical issues on the site will be removed.

When it comes down to it, prioritize agencies that promise to provide regular reports (we suggest monthly). Sometimes you won't see much movement and sometimes, you'll see a little downward movement. But with regular work, a company should see a steady rise in results. And your agency should be able to show you this evidence.


In summary, when you’re looking for an SEO specialist, make sure to find one who promises results. But also watch out for those who guarantee things that are difficult to predict. In fact, we'll just come out and say it: companies should not be making guarantees, other than a guarantee to be committed to you and your business and great communication.

In the end, you should look for someone who has great communication skills and reports regularly. Not someone who makes blanket guarantees. This will ensure transparency in their work and you can be sure that your money is spent in the best way possible.

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